I need to know exactly what Genre's or Kinds of Rper's can Actually Roleplay Here? 

If we had to Guess off the top of our heads the staff would say about 40 different roleplay Genre Types or More are able to Roleplay Here with Us: 

Original Character Roleplayers
Twilight | Underworld | Vampire Diaries | The Originals | Buffy the Vampire Slayer | Werewolf Etc. Like Roleplayers 
Mortal Instruments | Sahara Chronicales | Harry Potter | Witch or Wizard - like Roleplayers 
DC Universe | Marvel universe  Type Roleplayers 
Traditional or Historica Asian | Midieval | Victorian | The Hobbit|  Skyrim | Warcraft | D&D Homebrew Type Roleplayers 
Pirate | Siren | One Piece Type Roleplayers 
Viking | Greek | Asian Mythology Type Roleplayers 
Demon Slayer | Bleach | Naruto | Sailor Moon | Naruto | Fairytale Like Roleplayers 
.//Sign | Sword art Online | Cowboy Bepop |Original Star Wars or Homebrew |Sword art Online | Solo Leveling | Cyberpunk Like Roleplayers 
Krp | and Academy Type | Roleplayers 
Do I need to Create a Original Character (OC) Or can I play a Cannon Character? 

It is soley up to you, Cannon Characters on our site- will more then likely overtime become Original Cannon Based characters. And Original Characters can simply just dive into whatever they wish to since they are not bound like cannon characters are. 

How is it possible for all these different types of Genre's to Roleplay Together: 
Each Genre of Roleplay has a part to play in the main storyline and in side storylines. How, you ask? 
Not only does the Main site lore pretty much explain that bits and pieces of worlds, planets, realms, and dimentions were taken to make up the realms (on this site) 
but there were also new and  undiscovered areas and locations crafted to make sure everything was in sync together. So how does that exactly mean all these genre's are able to roleplay together. Because specific area's may call for specific genre-types of roleplayers to aide in the development and cultivation of those area's. Not just that - think of the world we live in irl. There are many kinds of people and cultures etc. correct? Roleplay Genre's on RoleplayRealms are looked at - as the same way. Differen't Roleplay Genre's are in the simplist terms - Different Cultures, Races, and Traditions scattered across the Realms. Many Roleplayers have for a long period of time lived in this box of - I can only Roleplay on this specific site because its specifically for this type of genre of roleplay. Well - Whats really the difference between two different types of Genre's? The power system? The Story? The Time- Period? The Enviornment? All of those have already been taken care of for you on RoleplayRealms. So back to teh Question at hand. 

Many Genre's of Roleplay - Like Harry Potter, or DC | Marvel, BDZ, Idol-Type Roleplayers Etc. Have been categorized to a specific extent. We have given these Genre's a specific part of their worlds, which will allow roleplayers to Rp comfortablly within a setting they are familiar with - while at the same time - not giving them everything, and this is due in part to the fact that we want these roleplayers to branch out and think outside of the box they have cornered themselves in all these years. So yes - Roleplayers who are cannon stricken and cannon specific - can develop their cannon based character to become what is known as (and many may have forgotten this term) Original Cannon based Roleplayers. So, What does the Term Cannon Really mean? it means that the player roleplays a character that was published with specific powers and follows their story that was publish - and does nothing more with the oc. I.E. and example of this would be Robin (Specifcally - Jason Todd, The Robin in Batman DC Comics who was killed by the Joker.) Jason Todd's death in 1988 is probably the most popular death that's ever befallen a Robin. "A Death in the Family" ran from Batman #426–429. If you were a Cannon Roleplayer, Robin Roleplayer who Roleplays, as Jason Todd - Robin. Then you would be roleplaying Jason Todd Robin and roleplaying out all of the comic scenes he was in and then having to roleplay out him dying at the hands of the Joker. And then - That's it. The Character and Roleplay for the Player would be over. Why? Because that is exactly what Cannon Roleplay Is. Now , You're probably asking so whats an Original Cannon Character then, well - Original Cannon Characters (Thanks to the wonders of Storyline Roleplay). Allow you to (Once you have roleplayed out the cannon characters death. and through legeitamate - aide of others and a elaborate and good storyline plus explaination. Not something like oh he faked his death, cause that wont work. Char. does actually have to die.) then be brought back to life. The character then becomes what's known as - an Original Cannon Character. Meaning You no longer have to stick to Robin only having the published capabilities that the rest of the world knows they have. You can add on abilities and continue the characters story the way you see fit. 

Hence Why, We stated - We will grant Roleplayers apart of the worlds in which they came from. But we will also aide them in overcoming the box many roleplayers have placed themselves in. So they will gain a small part of the worlds these cannon characters are originally from or a place in which they have been at a specific point in time in their life or something closely related to it - but they will also be able to roleplay outside of the box once they have that cannon character go through such a transistion. Of course - this only applies for cannon roleplayers transitioning onto the site by means of being able to broaden their horizon after becoming a original cannon based roleplayer. Those who are Original Characters but come from a Specific Genre World. I.E. for instance, roleplayers who created their own Avatar from the last air bender or original ninja from the Naruto Universe. they will find that its a much easier transition as their are specific realms which these characters can reside and roleplay on and feel quiet content. Again because the Realms is made up of a multitude of cannon and original worldcrafted areas which some are preset and others - Roleplayers themselves can make. And with the aide of a generalized yet universal power system chart allows everyone to roleplay togehter - wether your a wand user or a mutant / superhuman. it all syncs together.  

How do I work this Site? 
Please Click the Link [Here] and read the following 

How many Accounts am I allowed to make on RoleplayRealms? 
One. Please only make one account - the profiles will allow you - if you are a multi character roleplayer, to add many character sheets to your profile. 

What Tense am I supposed to write in while roleplaying here? 
Past Tense. This is actually the Original and Correct Tense for Roleplay that anyone should ever be using. 

What does * and ::  mean in roleplay here? 
* or ::  is to let the player know that the character is physcially  doing something. i.e. gathering, moving, grooming, hunting, scratching, coughing. etc. 

Where should I post? 
on the Tab [Realms] 
Inboxes are kept for ooc questions or conversations strictly pertaining to character development of the rp storyline not for personal I wanna be your friend or lets date' conversations. Blogs for posting character developments, and archiving your characters personal story. The Realms Tab is the public area where everyone will roleplay, and Groups are for Private Roleplays for like your family, clans, etc. 

How long should my rp posts generally be for this site?
Your posts should be 8 sentences or more. 8 Sentences is equal to one paragraph. Remember in each post - include what your character, is doing, sees, smells, hears, tastes, feels, thinks, and what npcs (if any) or the enviorment, is doing around them. 

I am new to Roleplay what should I do? 
Please Click on the Portal Tab 
Then look for the Tab that says Roleplay Realms RP Academy This will take you to a place where you can learn more about how to roleplay before putting it to the test. Once you have reviewed the information - please look for a staff member to mentor you or a normal Member Mentor. 

A Roleplayer hasn't reponded to my post, What should I do?
after 3 irl days if there is no response and they havent stated they were going on Hiatus anywhere on their profile, blog, or in the hiatus area in the forums then your character may sucessfully loot | or attempt to kill them, and exit the area to close the roleplay on that thread.  

How do I travel around the Realms? 
Once you open the portal and wayshrine in the area your character is in click The portal  tab on the navigation bar there is a section on the side where you simply copy and paste the pre-written text for traveling into the chat box (after) you sucessfully post in the chat click on the realms tab and make a new topic in the portal section on the realms tab explainging where your character is heading and such (this doesn't have to be big) the reason we have you post in two areas is to pretty musch make it seem like in character it took some time for your character to travel without getting too specific unless you wish to. 

What is Gold, Gil, and Cre and how does it work? 
Gold is the main and Universal Currency on the Site. 
Gil is the Currency used in the Black Market Only. 
and Cre is the Conversion money - the (pennys, nickles, quarters, dimes, the change) that is left over if the gold to gil or gil to gold conversion doesnt calculate evenly. 

How do I edit my profile?